Our History


CPCC began in the hearts of our founding Pastor Randall Owens and a small group of people whose desire it was to birth a church that would reach people for Jesus Christ; people who would not easily identify with a traditional church setting.  It was the fall of 2005 and God was impressing on the group to start a new work in the Knightdale area.  Thinking more of what unchurched people needed, they sought to present the gospel of Christ clearly.

Through the years our growing church family moved from a family room, to a clubhouse, to a storefront and then to a high school. In 2014, our church found its’ home at our campus at 1001 Steeple Square Court in Knightdale.  Located in the municipal heart of Knightdale, this property is our hub for ministry.  

Our church is pursuing it’s mission to “Helping people fully follow Jesus through tHIS church.”  We believe God has us on an incredible journey and He wants to include you! Our church is different than most churches you’ve been to and, quite honestly, that is intentional. Our hope is that this place can be your place!